E D Emmanuel Homes, LLC is located in Wake County, North Carolina.
We specialize in the housing and care of individuals who are experiencing challenges in their daily lives.
So, what is it we do?
- Providing unique and personalized care for adults who need help managing their mental illness challenges.
- Administer medication, medication management, and medication education.
- Maintain a loving environment in the absence of immediate family members.
- Expand opportunities for Residents through employment, workshops, day programs,
- Encourage volunteerism, socialization, and community involvement.
- Linking Residents to much-needed community resources via referrals and vouchers.
- Implementing personal care and supportive services to further development of life-skills, self-sufficiency, and independence.
- Providing peace of mind for the Resident's care team including family members, guardians, and other supports.
- Coordinating with medical and mental health care providers to establish comprehensive treatment plans.
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Other Services Offered
To find out more about our Housing Programs, click on the Housing link above for a detailed description of each Housing program offered.
IDD Residential Support
Family Friendly Environment
Holistic Behavior Modifications
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Community Work-life experience